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suggestor.js is a suggestions-providing / @user mentions / #tagging / autocompletion library.
It's similar to Mention.js, but does NOT depend on Twitter Bootstrap and Typeahead.
It's also less hacky, more flexible and supposedly much less buggy.

Example 1 - predefined tags

Simple tag suggestions, triggered by a #.
The predefined tags suggestions template is used, which influences how the suggestions list looks like.

Try it here:
for example, type: #g

Example 2 - additional keywords and limit number of suggestions

In this case additional keywords by which you can search are added to each item.
The number of suggestions is limited to 2. "#social" would trigger suggestions for "#github" and "#facebook" ONLY, not for "#twitter".

Try it here:
for example, type: #social

Example 3 - Lazily-loaded data set with custom template

Lazily-loaded data set from a URL, instead of a local/hardcoded data set plus dynamically building the HTML for each suggestion entry.
Also this time suggestions are triggered with @.

Try it here:
for example, type: @g

If running the demo locally, the example may not work (due to local cross-origin request policies).

More examples and information could be found on the suggestor.js page